Thy Last Sonnet

Posted: 09 July 2007 by Unknown in Labels: , ,

Behold thy moon thy light deceiving sight
That seems to bright up my cold dark night sky
As if thy moon possesseth thy own light
But yet thy light thy moon hath own belie
Behold thy speak roses and hyacinth
Which lured my heart and snared my one breath last
Stuck hither now am caught in labyrinth
Eventually and serving my death fast
Shall I blame thee for my misled lone thought
Or shall I blame my head for mislaid sense
Know thou affection only I besought
But I hath sought was false and now thus hence
I am the root for my own bleeding soul
I am the cause my world knows no console


Tis my first sonnet and hopefully not the last. Written for my Creative Writing class.. not that good, or so I think, but my professor said it's quite imposing. ^_^