rain's masterpiece at 18

Posted: 28 December 2007 by Unknown in Labels: , , , ,


when the rain fill the holes
what would become of me?

not loneliness nor desolation
not even reclusion neither isolation
shall bring me redemption

the chilling winds of the rain
increasing the strain
will they be able to recognize me
should reality unmasks my identity

do forgive me
i am not what i am supposed to be
the rain had failed to cover me
stripping me off my little dignity
which i left hanging in mystery

would it be just
if i blame it all to the wind?
or how about the rain,
my comforter
my consoler
who deserted me
in the time of my need

the rain illuminates
casting a gloomy shadow
the veracity it dictates
is being hoed by the bow
strangling me to death
depriving me of my fantasy
my fantasy of reality
my fantasy of existence
my fantasy of innocence

it is nonsense
everything is nothing but meaningless
am i not the student
of the teacher who is wise but powerless
let alone gullibility
let alone luxury
let alone immaturity
let alone invincibility

can you hear the pitter-patter
of my cries of hopes and anger
can you see the tears
of my selfishness and fears
it is hard to accept
yet acceptance is the last piece
for the puzzle of bliss
but completion is a dream
of the unruffled stream

the clouds of dark met the light
but the rain hadn't stopped
go on with eternal fight
and let the rain be cupped
with remorse and regret
breathe and i shall be freed
from this anxiety i bleed
pour down but don't wash away
let my pathetic traces stay
as it is my greatest masterpiece
