Coffee + Rain = 23

Posted: 26 February 2011 by Unknown in Labels: , ,

A cup of coffee
In a chilly evening
Along with the melody
Of the rain pouring.

Ah, 'tis life!
What a bliss,
Beauty in rife
None should amiss!

Not the coldness,
Nor the disquietude,
Fill the emptiness
But with beautitude.

As the star is its own,
And so is humanity;
That must be sown
Not only individuality.

One sip towards serenity,
Let it be the pleasure;
Away from the vanity,
From the so-called treasure

Hear now the rain
Be with its ease;
Listen not with vain,
And it shall cease.

Feel the wind,
Breathe the air;
Do not be pinned,
By the bare.
